2nd Edition Global Governance International Organization Reader

Find more information about: ISBN: 9982 OCLC Number: 500510400 Notes: 1e druk: 2004.
Weiss and Rorden Wilkinson (eds.), International Organization and Global Governance, First Edition (London: Routledge, 2013), 700 pp. For details about the revised and updated Second Edition, published 2018, please visit the. Reviewed by: James Worrall (Associate Professor in International Relations and Middle East Studies, School of Politics & International Studies, University of Leeds). As the world becomes more complex and interdependent, there is an increasing requirement that the next generation is made aware of the efforts made by states and the full panoply of non-state actors to manage this complexity. The inevitable issues created by our imperfect governance systems at all levels, the problems of the global commons, and the difficulty of consensus building and co-ordination have led to a plethora of attempts and initiatives to manage international interactions in a whole range of spheres.
Our progress in governing these issues, however imperfect, is more of a cause for hope than despair. None of this however makes this subject an easy one to teach. Students regularly struggle not only with their understanding of the theories, but also in grasping both the breadth and depth of the range of issue areas and actors involved.
Global Governance Examples
Therefore, this textbook is something of a god-send for those of us trying to help that next generation unravel the complexity and to give students a leg-up into studying this fascinating and vital area of international relations. The League of Nations. Photo credit: UN Photo/Jullien. While the volume exhibits all the qualities of a great textbook – accessibility, balance and coverage – it also acts as a reinforcement tool for those partway into their studies of international institutions as well as an encouragement to all to go deeper into the rich literatures and explore the fascinations of the complexity of the webs of organisations and structures of Global Governance. It is rooted in the existing literature and theoretical approaches, which is undoubtedly its major strength. Siren blood curse ps4. The book is also logically organised and highly catholic, linking to other key disciplines and ideas within the field of International Relations. Indeed, it should be noted that this is probably the best introductory text so far as it successfully brings together the study of International Organisations (IOs) and Global Governance which for so-long seemed to have been partially talking past each other.