Psychology Tenth Edition In Modules Citation Maker

Exploring Psychology Tenth Edition In Modules
Psychology in Modules Study Guide 10th Study Guide ed. By Professor Richard O Straub (Author), Professor David G Myers PhD (Author) 4.4 out of 5 stars 749 customer reviews. Psychology 7th Edition David G. 4.4 out of 5 stars 749. APA, MLA, AMA Citation Generator for Free. This tool is a free citation generator online available for everyone. In other words, it is a system or machine, which automatically turns all your content into chosen citations immediately.
About This Product Rod Plotnik and Haig Kouyoumdjian's modular, visual approach to the fundamentals of psychology makes even the toughest concepts engaging and entertaining. As the pioneer of what's become known as the 'visual' or 'magazine style' text, Plotnik's INTRODUCTION TO PSYCHOLOGY remains the one developed on the strongest foundation of visual learning theory and research. Each and every page is individually planned, written, and formatted to effectively incorporate the use of Visual Cues, which help students to better remember information. The text also utilizes 'chunking,' a method of breaking concepts down into small, easily digested sections that help students learn at their own pace, and give instructors great flexibility in planning their courses.
Psychology Tenth Edition In Modules
The Tenth Edition features a contemporary new design, over 500 new visuals, timely new topic coverage, and over 1,000 new references, all from recent years. The authors' commitment to visual learning is also reflected in the text's comprehensive ancillary package. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections