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I can afford to risk $2! I have seen Michelle Belanger on various paranormal television shows and somehow knew a little about her -- she identifies as a vampire and owns a large library of occult books, which I envy! I am interested in the occult and always have been. I have seen television programs on 'real' vampires I frequently purchase books from a great new age surplus shop online. The deals are great so I periodically go through the website and find any interesting books and purchase them. I can afford to risk $2! I have seen Michelle Belanger on various paranormal television shows and somehow knew a little about her -- she identifies as a vampire and owns a large library of occult books, which I envy!
O Sobie Samym
I am interested in the occult and always have been. I have seen television programs on 'real' vampires that were intriguing. I am also very interested in outsider status. Anything 'weird' attracts me because I am a huge contrarian. So, this book should have been perfect, right? I had a basic understanding of 'sanguine', aka, blood vampires, and 'psychic' vampires before reading the book. I liked it because it explained the different theories people have about why they are a vampire -- some believe it is a physical/spiritual issue that makes it difficult for them to process energy/burn through energy faster than non-vampires -- others believe it indicates an elevated spiritual standing.